
Ch Jasiri-Sukari Party Lines
(Ch Congaro Rocket's Red Glare JC x Ch Jasiri-Sukari First In Lines CD)
DOB: 11-13-01 - 11-16-14
As a puppy, Fiesta was
Best Opposite In Sweepstakes under breeder Andrew Sawler
at the Western Hound Assoc of Southern Calif show (June 2002).
She won Reserve Winners Bitch at two Specialties on the way to her Championship.
Fiesta did not disappoint us in the whelping box.
She has produced 9 Champions in America including Bronco - the first AKC Grand Champion
and first trindle to win an all-breed Best in Show.
In addition, her daughter Confetti won 23 all-breed Best In Shows in Japan
and was
# 1 All-Breeds in Japan in 2005
Fiesta died just after her 13th birthday.
She accidentally got loose from her yard and was killed by a car.

Fiesta as a young hopeful.
Fiesta is CHIC certified with the OFA & AKC (#21995)
Her hips are OFA Good
She CERF'd with clear eyes in 2008
She is DNA tested clear of Hemolytic Anemia
Her Thyroid tested Normal
Her AKC DNA Profile is V238751
She tested Probable Carrier of Fanconi on the Linked Marker Test
Aust Ch Tamsala Silkn Soksi |
BIF Dual Ch Tamsala Rocket Socks MC, LCX (Aust Import) |
Ch Congaro Rocket's Red Glare JC |
Ch Serengeti Cool Jazz of Woz |
Dual Ch Sukari's Cool Colors CD, MC |
Ch Sukari's Mindiana Jones CD, Fch |
Ch Jasiri-Sukari Party Lines |
Ch Ebonwind Justly O'Fantasia |
Ch Jasiri-Sukari First In Lines CD |
Ch Sonbar's Celestial Kaus |
Ch Jasiri-Sukari Jess Be-Kaus JC |
Ch Sukari's Mindiana Jones CD, Fch |

last update Nov '14