Ch Jasiri-Sukari Jess Be-Kaus JC
(Ch Sonbar's Celestial Kaus x Ch Sukari's Mindiana Jones CD, Fch)
12-04-88 - 06-13-99
"Jessie" finished her Championship in style by
taking Best of Breed and Group Second from the classes.
She went on to become one of our top producers,
with ten Champion offspring - including winners at Specialties,
Sweepstakes winners, Breed winners and Group placers.
She completed her JC title at 8 years old.
Jessie died in June of 1999 of lung cancer.
She is greatly missed.
Although Jessie spilled sugar for 4 years, she had no symptoms of Fanconi at the time of her death.
Jessie's hips were OFA Excellent
Her last eye exam (10-98) showed minor PPM
She was DNA tested clear of Hemolytic Anemia
Her AKC DNA Profile is #V40092
Ch Trishan Tamarango Bold Tempo |
Ch Sonbar's Celestial Gemini |
Ch Hannalore's Fidget Bridget |
Ch Sonbar's Celestial Kaus |
Ch Sonbar's Celestial Forbes |
Ch Jasiri-Sukari Jess Be-Kaus JC |
BIS, BISS Ch Aleika-Absinthe Rajah's JR |
BISS Ch Kazor's Dandy Deerstalker |
Ch Sukari's Mindiana Jones CD, Fch |
BIS Ch Kazor's Dandy Deerstalker |
Ch Pendragon Sugarbabe of Kazor CDX, Fch |
BISS Pendragon's Little Bit |